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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

La Vida del Pastor - The Pastor's Life

Rev. Miguel Angel Mercado

The following is a poem-in-progress discovered after my father's death. When words are bracketed, it means he had x'ed out the words.

Cuando a tus puertas llegue el desaliento
When discouragement shows up at your door

y la tristeza minar quiera tu vida
and sadness wants to undermine your life

recuerda del Señor, su buen ejemplo
remember the Lord’s good example

cuando la embarcación estaba pereciendo
when the vessel was about to capsize

serenó a la mar embravecida.
He calmed the tumultuous seas.

Tu vida cual la mía va navegando
Your life like mine sails

con rumbo fijo a la eternal orilla
with sure direction toward the eternal shore

si en alta mar te asalta el desencanto
If disenchantment assails you on the high seas

no temas: persiste ante el quebranto
fear not: persist in the face of heartbreak

acude al Capitán de tu barquilla.
call for help to the Captain of your small boat

Si la duda nublare tu esperanza
If doubt should cloud your hope

y al parecer tu rumbo está perdido
and your course seems to be lost

clama al Señor, pidiendo su guianza
call on the Lord, asking for His guidance

Él te dará valor y confianza
He will give you courage and confidence

y te será cuan bonanza en tu camino.
And will be like great riches found on your way.

Arrecifes, tormentas, y huracanes
Reefs, storms, and hurricanes

hay en el mar por dónde va el Pastor
appear on the sea the Pastor traverses

corrientes de peligro y fuertes vendavales
Dangerous currents and strong windstorms

querrán hundir tu nave de sueños pastorales
want to sink the vessel of your pastoral dreams

pero no olvides que en ella va el Señor.
but don’t forget that the Lord is there with you.

El viento de dónde sopla
The wind from whence blows

El viento cesará, la mar estarase quieta
The wind shall cease, the sea will calm

habrá fuerte bonanza y a puerto llegarás.
You will have great success and arrive in port.

Podrás decir cuan Pablo, Acabado he mi carrera
You will be able to say, like Paul, I have finished the race

[Por lo demás me está guardada, una corona bella]
[Furthermore, a beautiful crown awaits me

y una corona de vida que Cristo me dará.
and a crown of life Christ will give me.

Los [fuertes] grandes desalientos, las luchas y las [pruebas] tormentas
[Strong] Great discouragements, struggles and [trials] storms

Incomprensiones muchas, [encuentras por doquier] jamás han de faltar.
Many misunderstandings [you find everywhere] you will never lack.

Muchos [no entienden del Pastor sus] no saben tus lagrimas, tus quejas
Many [do not understand the Pastor’s] do not know of your tears, your complaints

[Pero Dios que conoce tu vida y tus problemas]
[But God who knows of your life and its problems]

[te dará la Victoria, como Pastor que]
[will grant you Victory, like a Pastor who]

[cuando estalla el huracán de los problemas]
[when the hurricane of problems erupts]

[resolviendo los multiples problemas]
[resolving multiple problems]

[que estallan] ante ti, [con furia de huracán] cual huracán
[that erupt] before you [with the fury of a hurricane] like a hurricane

ante el rugir de múltiples problemas
facing the roar of multiple problems

que amenazan [cual] con la furia de huracán
which threaten [like] with the fury of a hurricane

Gózate en éste día, de pie, ante la bandera
Rejoice today, standing tall, before the banner

La Guerra será tuya, cuan vencedor
The War will be yours, as the victor

No hay que temer, la vida del Pastor
Fear not, the life of the Pastor

es vida puesta en aras [del] de la fé.
is one dedicated to the cause [of the] of faith.

It is

Translation by Judith Mercado who is fully aware of the difficulties inherent in translating poetry and furthermore is not a professional translator. If you have any suggestions, please share them in a comment.

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About Me ¿Quién soy?

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My writing frequently explores multicultural themes. Born in Puerto Rico, I moved at a young age to the U.S., where my parents became Pentecostal ministers. Early immersion in Latino and religious cultures preceded later experiences as a businesswoman, a White House Fellow, and life aboard a trawler cruising from Martha’s Vineyard to South America. These sometimes incompatible worlds have given me a respectful outlook toward differing points of view. My short stories, poems, and essays reflect my own inclusive, yet sharply defined, journey across cultural and socioeconomic boundaries. I recently published Peace on the Journey, a poetry collection which explores the theme of renewal in the face of adversity. @peaceonjourney
